Logistic challenges are solved through teamwork
Tricon and Blue Water work closely together to find the perfect solutions to the company’s transports via road, sea, air and courier
Tricon and Blue Water work closely together to find the perfect solutions to the company’s transports via road, sea, air and courier
Blue Water attended AidEx for the tenth time - the largest event for the international Aid and Development community
A 3,920-kilo piece of iceberg and 540 litres of water from Greenland were transported to Scotland to visualise the climate changes.
A Freighter was submerged to prepare for the float-off of “Magnor”, the world’s biggest backhoe dredger, designated to the dredging of the Fehmarn Tunnel.
Fibertex has experienced improvements of both precision in arrival of trucks, loading and unloading with Blue Water at the helm. During summer 2021, Blue Water was entrusted more traffics.
The shipment of MV ‘Mekhanik Pustoshnyy’, which was sailed from Denmark to Russia, went according to schedule.
Green transport solutions will open up for a greener Blue Water through innovative solutions, internal development and a close collaboration with external climate partners.
Blue Water Shipping expands reefer activities in the North Atlantic Region by the acquisition of Newfoundland-based Freightway International
Within only five years, the 26-year-old Asbjørn Lauritsen has made his mark by three international Blue Water postings.